We have included 6 "Easter eggs" (modifications) in the BenSwap's documentation ().

17 Apr 2022, 01:49
We have included 6 “Easter eggs” (modifications) in the BenSwap’s documentation (https://docs.benswap.cash/). The first to find each one and send a picture will receive a reward. Each person can win only one time, then if you have already found a Easter egg, and you send a second one, you will not earn a second prize. The prize will go to next person who find it. Please if someone send a second Easter egg, don’t forward the same picture, go to the documentation and take a picture by yourself. If you forward the same picture, you will not win. We have 5 “Easter eggs” with a prize of 5 EBEN each, and a 6th one (specific) that will give a prize of 15 EBEN.