Hey guys there is some dev update:.

10 Mar 2022, 01:17
Hey guys there is some dev update: As BenSwap is moving towards a self-governing DAO, a tool has been set up to start some exercise. Please it check @ The voting power is currently calculated as such: the sum of... - EBEN in your wallet - EBEN in BenSwap EBEN/WBCH LP in your wallet - EBEN in BenSwap EBEN/WBCH LP you staked in the BenSwap EBEN/BCH farm - EBEN you staked in the BenSwap EBEN pool Current proposal threshold(minimum EBEN needed to start a proposal) is set to 1M EBEN. There is already a proposal for potentially adjusting the threshold: Although the process could be really challenging, we are determined to give more power to the people. Hopefully in the end BenSwap can be completely decentralized and not reliant on a single person or a team. We also open sourced the contract we use to calculate voting power (DAO Helper v1), so the other projects on SmartBCH can use it to correctly calculate the tokens staked in any farms or pools. Please check our contract repository on GitHub. You can also directly use the contract we deployed (0x61EF60961230a9a84bc911fFc76302dCb435dB91) More docs about governance will be added later. Thanks.