Hello everyone,.

24 Jun 2022, 12:02
Hello everyone, While the second stage of Ben’s World (not related to pokeben) is not ready, we have modified the first phase in order to have another ticket hunting activity. This time we have 8 silver/green tickets and one golden/red ticket hidden. Again only the first one to find the ticket will win the EBEN prize. 15 EBEN for each silver/green ticket and 50 EBEN for the golden/red ticket. To separate the activity on the English Group from the activity on the Chinese group, we are sending different links in each group. The games for both groups are identical, the only difference is the ticket colors. In the Chinese group the SILVER tickets were replaced by GREEN tickets, and the GOLDEN ticket was replaced by a RED ticket. Please remember that you can win only one time with each ticket, then, if you won with the silver ticket number 1 on the English group, you will not win again with the green ticket number 1 on the Chinese group. Also, you only will win if you send the tickets on the correct group. Then, keep in mind: SILVER and GOLDEN: English Group GREEN and RED: Chinese Group The links for the game will be sent 0:00 UTC.