BETA testing a new feature: Ranches, where you can customize your farming experience. The motive:.

11 Jan 2022, 20:06
BETA testing a new feature: Ranches, where you can customize your farming experience. The motive: Projects often have difficulties to incentivize liquidity providers. They either have to give some rewards manually, or deploy their own MasterChef and make website UI, or rely on DEX farms which caused a lot of dramas. The solution: Now we are providing an alternative approach. With BenSwap Ranches everyone can customize their own ranch and let people stake whatever LP to earn whatever token without any coding skills. There is no migrator so staking LP is safe. The owner can set a deposit fee during creation so be careful when you deposit your LP. A ranch will end itself when the balance of the token being harvested is drained. Anyone can inject tokens to a ranch to increase its lifespan but this is usually done by the owner of the ranch. The owner also has the privilege to end the ranch prematurely and retrieve the remaining balance. Ask the owner to renounce the ranch contract if you are concerned.